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Re: [MiNT] gcc 4.2.2 patch

Is there going to be a cross Linux-iX86 to mint patch?

MiKRO wrote:
Let's start thread with another name than "compile error" :)

This patch is an addition to Vincent's gcc 4.2.2 patch (20071212). I
didn't use the newest one since I (freemint) use old binutils 2.13.1
and according to Vincent's note in history log, I shouldn't use old
binutils and his newest gcc4 patch.

So, in this patch you have necessary changes which prevented me to
compile gcc4.2.2 with gcc 2.95.3. Don't forget to recompile mintlib
with stksize patch (see previous mail) and set that stksize to some
high value (I used 2040 KB) -- you can change that value in mintlib
sources back to let's say 64k after gcc4 compilation is done. Also
don't forget to change stack size (with 'stack' command) for /bin/bash
and /bin/sh -- I used 256KB.

This patch will probably work also with the newest Vincent's gcc4
patch but I didn't test it.

Btw, I've tried to compile&run my port of quake with my gcc4 and guess
what... it crashed :( Hard to say why in this point, game started,
maps and textures are loaded but when game demo should start...
freeze. Of course, I'll try to investigate what's wrong. Funny, I
thought when 3-stage bootstrap passed there shouldn't be any