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Re: [MiNT] gcc 4.2.2 compile error


> Is this something that is reported to GCC bugzilla, just because
> it tries to use more memory than is available, or something
> specific to the Atari port of the GCC?
I believe the problem isn't the memory itself (this would lead to 'out
of memory' error) but in the stack overflow -- I checked this with
aranym, in its console (without mmu on) I offen see in such case
'stack magic error' or something like that. so maybe in case when I
will be able to set stack big enough (let's say 4 MB), it could fix
the problem -- see my previous post.

In general, it would be interesteting to know, why 256K is more than
enough for gcc 2.95 and so much insufficient for gcc 4.x :)

> Assuming your makefiles knows how to build things and respect environment
> variables like all properly done makefiles do, something like following
> could work:
Oh yes, I had something like that in my mind. Question is if this will
work even in case of bus errors/memory violations. But it's true I see
'bus error, report bug bla bla' and then properly exiting make, so...
it's worth try.

> If you don't care about performance of the resulting code and just want it
> to build things faster, start with -O1 (-O0 is too awful to be even
> considered as a default option).
Probably I'll try this, too. To this day I've had that patience to fix
all by hand (to mark '-O1' only files which really needed it) but
probably we should focus on building it at first and then to play with
-Ox flags.

MiKRO / Mystic Bytes