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[MiNT] [MINTLIB] Proposal of inclusion


I would like to propose for inclusion in mintlib headers, the files
related to CD-ROM functions:
- metados.h (which has MetaDOS xbios functions)
- cdromio.h (The ioctl for CD-ROM devices, and some definitions).

I suppose they should go in <mint/> include directory, if accepted.

Patrice Mandin
WWW: http://pmandin.atari.org/
Programmeur Linux, Atari
Spécialité: Développement, jeux
    CD-ROM Fcntl()s and structures

    Copyright (c) Julian F. Reschke (jr@ms.maus.de), 16. Mai 1994
    Free distribution and usage allowed as long as the file remains 

    These Fcntl() opcodes provide a *nix-like interface to the CD-ROM     
    specific functions. They can be used either with a MiNT specific     
    CD-ROM device driver or with new MetaDOS BOS lowlevel drivers. For 
    MiNT mounted device drivers, the interface is

        Fcntl (short filehandle, short opcode, long arg)

    (with filehandle a handle to the opened CDROM device driver) or

        Dcntl (short opcode, char *name, long arg)

    (with name being the name of a file or directory on the mounted CD 
    file system).

    For MetaDOS BOS drivers, the interface is

        xbios (0x37, short device, long magic, short opcode, long arg)

    where 'device' is a MetaDOS XBIOS device number ('A'..'Z') and 'magic' 
    is 'FCTL'. With MetaDOS version >= 2.40 and the appropriate DOS 
    drivers, you can also use the GEMDOS call Dcntl (thus being compatible 
    to future MiNT drivers), because MetaDOS 2.40 implements some of the 
    new GEMDOS calls and Atari's ISO9660F.DOS passes all Dcntl calls right 
    down to the BOS driver.

    Note that there is an 'old' CD-ROM audio interface for MetaDOS, but 
    the commands depend on the custom CDAR 504 controller and can't be 
    fully implemented for SCSI drives (in fact they are, with some 
    restrictions). Consult the MetaDOS developers manual for further 

    In both cases, EINVFN (-32L) is returned for unknown opcodes.

    Note that MetaDOS drivers return EUNKNOWN (-3) if XBIOS opcode 0x37 is 
    not supported!

    Drivers supporting this interface (send updates to jr@ms.maus.de):

    MetaDOS BOS drivers (driver name, company):

    		Hard &Soft, Castrop-Rauxel, Germany
    		Generic driver for SCSI-CDROMs connected to ACSI or SCSI and 
    		for the CDAR504

		FX001???.BOS, CDU33???.BOS
			Gellermann & Fellmuth GbR, Berlin, Germany
			Drivers for Mitsumi drives connected to internal or parallel 

    MiNT device drivers (driver name, company):

#ifndef _CDROMIO_H
#define _CDROMIO_H

#ifndef BYTE
#define BYTE unsigned char

typedef union
	struct {
    	BYTE  reserved, minute, second, frame;
    } msf;
	long lba;
} cd_ad;

/* Data structures used */

struct cdrom_msf 
    BYTE    cdmsf_min0;     /* start minute */
    BYTE    cdmsf_sec0;     /* start second */
    BYTE    cdmsf_frame0;   /* start frame */
    BYTE    cdmsf_min1;     /* end minute */
    BYTE    cdmsf_sec1;     /* end second */
    BYTE    cdmsf_frame1;   /* end frame */

struct cdrom_ti 
    BYTE    cdti_trk0;      /* start track */
    BYTE    cdti_ind0;      /* start index */
    BYTE    cdti_trk1;      /* end track */
    BYTE    cdti_ind1;      /* end index */

struct cdrom_tochdr     
    BYTE    cdth_trk0;      /* start track */
    BYTE    cdth_trk1;      /* end track */

struct cdrom_tocentry 
    /* input parameters */

    BYTE    cdte_track;     /* track number or CDROM_LEADOUT */
    BYTE    cdte_format;    /* CDROM_LBA or CDROM_MSF */
    /* output parameters */

    unsigned    cdte_adr:4;     /* the SUBQ channel encodes 0: nothing,
                                    1: position data, 2: MCN, 3: ISRC,
                                    else: reserved */
    unsigned    cdte_ctrl:4;    /* bit 0: audio with pre-emphasis,
                                    bit 1: digital copy permitted,
                                    bit 2: data track,
                                    bit 3: four channel */
    BYTE    cdte_datamode;		/* currently not set */
	unsigned	short dummy;	/* PM: what is this for ? */
	cd_ad	cdte_addr;			/* track start */

struct cdrom_subchnl 
	/* input parameters */

    BYTE    cdsc_format;		/* CDROM_MSF or CDROM_LBA */
    /* output parameters */
    BYTE    cdsc_audiostatus;	/* see below */
    unsigned	cdsc_resvd:	8;	/* reserved */
    unsigned	cdsc_adr:   4;	/* see above */
    unsigned	cdsc_ctrl:  4;	/* see above */
    BYTE    cdsc_trk;			/* current track */
    BYTE    cdsc_ind;			/* current index */
	cd_ad	cdsc_absaddr;		/* absolute address */
	cd_ad	cdsc_reladdr;		/* track relative address */

struct cdrom_mcn 
    BYTE    mcn_audiostatus;	/* see above */
    BYTE    mcn_mcn[23];		/* Media catalog number as ASCII string */

struct cdrom_tisrc
	/* input parameters */

    BYTE    tisrc_track;		/* track number */
    /* output parameters */
    BYTE    tisrc_audiostatus;	/* see above */
    BYTE    tisrc_tisrc[23];	/* Track International Standard
    								Recording Code (ASCII) */

struct cdrom_volctrl
    BYTE    channel0;			/* volume level 0..255 */
    BYTE    channel1;
    BYTE    channel2;
    BYTE    channel3;

struct cdrom_audioctrl
	/* input parameters */

    short	set;    /* 0 == inquire only */
    /* input/output parameters */
    struct {
        BYTE selection;
        BYTE volume;
    } channel[4];

struct cdrom_read      
    long    cdread_lba;			/* logical block address */
    char    *cdread_bufaddr;	/* buffer pointer */
    long    cdread_buflen;		/* byte count */

/* CD-ROM address types */

#define CDROM_LBA   0x01
#define CDROM_MSF   0x02

/* SUB Q control bits */

#define CDROM_AUDIO_EMPHASIS    0x01
#define CDROM_COPY_PERMITTED    0x02
#define CDROM_DATA_TRACK        0x04
#define CDROM_FOUR_CHANNEL      0x08

/* The leadout track is always 0xAA, regardless of # of tracks on disc */

#define CDROM_LEADOUT   0xAA

/* return value from READ SUBCHANNEL DATA */

#define CDROM_AUDIO_INVALID     0x00    /* audio status not supported */
#define CDROM_AUDIO_PLAY        0x11    /* audio play operation in progress */
#define CDROM_AUDIO_PAUSED      0x12    /* audio play operation paused */
#define CDROM_AUDIO_COMPLETED   0x13    /* audio play successfully completed */
#define CDROM_AUDIO_ERROR       0x14    /* audio play stopped due to error */
#define CDROM_AUDIO_NO_STATUS   0x15    /* no current audio status to return */

/* CD-ROM Fcntl opcodes */

/* Get block number of first sector in last session of a multisession
   CD. Argument points to a LONG. Used by iso9660f.dos */
#define CDROMREADOFFSET     (('C'<<8)|0x00)

/* Pause audio operation */
#define CDROMPAUSE          (('C'<<8)|0x01)

/* Resume audio operation */
#define CDROMRESUME         (('C'<<8)|0x02)

/* Play audio. Argument points to cdrom_msf structure */
#define CDROMPLAYMSF        (('C'<<8)|0x03)

/* Play audio. Argument points to cdrom_ti structure */
#define CDROMPLAYTRKIND     (('C'<<8)|0x04)

/* Read header of table of contents. Argument points to cdrom_tochdr
   structure */
#define CDROMREADTOCHDR     (('C'<<8)|0x05)

/* Read a toc entry. Argument points to cdrom_tocentry structure */
#define CDROMREADTOCENTRY   (('C'<<8)|0x06)

/* Stops spindle motor */
#define CDROMSTOP           (('C'<<8)|0x07)

/* Starts spindle motor */
#define CDROMSTART          (('C'<<8)|0x08)

/* Eject medium */
#define CDROMEJECT          (('C'<<8)|0x09)

/* Sets audio playback volume. Argument points to cdrom_volctrl
   structure. Only for compatibility to Unix drivers, see also
#define CDROMVOLCTRL        (('C'<<8)|0x0a)

/* Read subchannel information. Argument points to cdrom_subchnl
   structure. */
#define CDROMSUBCHNL        (('C'<<8)|0x0b)

/* Read Mode 2 or 1 sectors. Argument points to cdrom_read
   structure. Blocks have either 2336 or 2048 bytes. */
#define CDROMREADMODE2      (('C'<<8)|0x0c)
#define CDROMREADMODE1      (('C'<<8)|0x0d)

/* Lock eject mechanism */
#define CDROMPREVENTREMOVAL (('C'<<8)|0x0e)

/* Unlock eject mechanism */
#define CDROMALLOWREMOVAL   (('C'<<8)|0x0f)

/* Control audio settings. Argument points to cdrom_audioctrl
   structure */
#define CDROMAUDIOCTRL      (('C'<<8)|0x10)

/* Read Digital Audio (red book) sectors. Argument points to
   cdrom_read structure. Blocks have 2352 bytes. */
#define CDROMREADDA         (('C'<<8)|0x11)

/* Read media catalog number. Argument points to cdrom_mcn
   structure */
#define CDROMGETMCN         (('C'<<8)|0x13)

/* Read track international standard recording code. Argument points
   to cdrom_tisrc structure */
#define CDROMGETTISRC       (('C'<<8)|0x14)

#endif  /* _CDROMIO_H */

	Copyright (C) 2002	Patrice Mandin

	This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
	modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
	License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
	version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

	This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	Lesser General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
	License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
	Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA

#ifndef _METADOS_H
#define _METADOS_H

#include <mint/falcon.h>	/* for trap_14_xxx macros */

#define OSBIND_CLOBBER_LIST	"d1", "d2", "a0", "a1", "a2", "memory"

#ifndef trap_14_wwlwl
#define trap_14_wwlwl(n,a,b,c,d)	\
__extension__	\
({	\
	register long retvalue __asm__("d0");	\
	short _a = (short)(a);	\
	long _b = (long)(b);	\
	short _c = (short)(c);	\
	long _d = (long)(d);	\
	__asm__ volatile (	\
		"movl	%5,sp@-\n\t"	\
		"movw	%4,sp@-\n\t"	\
		"movl	%3,sp@-\n\t"	\
		"movw	%2,sp@-\n\t"	\
		"movw	%1,sp@-\n\t"	\
		"trap	#14\n\t"	\
		"lea	sp@(14),sp"	\
		: "=r"(retvalue)	\
		: "g"(n), "r"(_a), "r"(_b), "r"(_c), "r"(_d)	\
	);	\
	retvalue;	\

#ifndef trap_14_wwwll
#define trap_14_wwwll(n,a,b,c,d)	\
__extension__	\
({	\
	register long retvalue __asm__("d0");	\
	short _a = (short)(a);	\
	short _b = (short)(b);	\
	long _c = (long)(c);	\
	long _d = (long)(d);	\
	__asm__ volatile (	\
		"movl	%5,sp@-\n\t"	\
		"movl	%4,sp@-\n\t"	\
		"movw	%3,sp@-\n\t"	\
		"movw	%2,sp@-\n\t"	\
		"movw	%1,sp@-\n\t"	\
		"trap	#14\n\t"	\
		"lea	sp@(14),sp"	\
		: "=r"(retvalue)	\
		: "g"(n), "r"(_a), "r"(_b), "r"(_c), "r"(_d)	\
	);	\
	retvalue;	\

/*--- Functions prototypes ---*/

#define Metainit(buffer)	\
#define Metaopen(drive,buffer)	\
#define Metaclose(drive)	\
#define Metaread(drive,buffer,first_block,nb_blocks)	\
#define Metawrite(drive,buffer,first_block,nb_blocks)	\
#define Metaseek(drive,dummy,offset)	\
#define Metastatus(drive,buffer)	\
#define Metaioctl(drive,magic,opcode,buffer)	\

#define Metastartaudio(drive,dummy,metatracks_t_p)	\
#define Metastopaudio(drive)	\
#define Metasetsongtime(drive,dummy,start,end)	\
#define Metagettoc(drive,dummy,metatocentry_t_p)	\
#define Metadiscinfo(drive,metadiscinfo_t_p)	\

#define METADOS_IOCTL_MAGIC	(('F'<<24)|('C'<<16)|('T'<<8)|'L')


/*--- Types ---*/

typedef struct {
	unsigned short version;
	unsigned long magic;
	char *log2phys;
} metainfo_t __attribute__((packed));

typedef struct {
	unsigned long drives_map;
	char *version;
	unsigned long reserved;		
	metainfo_t *info;
} metainit_t __attribute__((packed));

typedef struct {
	char *name;
	unsigned long reserved[3];
} metaopen_t __attribute__((packed));

typedef struct {
	char ext_status[32];
} metastatus_t __attribute__((packed));

typedef struct {
	unsigned char count;
	unsigned char first;
} metatracks_t __attribute__((packed));

typedef struct {	/* TOC entry for MetaGetToc() function */
	unsigned char track;
	unsigned char minute;
	unsigned char second;
	unsigned char frame;
} metatocentry_t __attribute__((packed));

typedef struct {
	unsigned char reserved;
	unsigned char minute;
	unsigned char second;
	unsigned char frame;
} metadisc_msf_t __attribute__((packed));

typedef struct {	/* Discinfo for MetaDiscInfo() function */
	unsigned char disctype, first, last, current;
	metadisc_msf_t	relative;
	metadisc_msf_t	absolute;
	metadisc_msf_t	end;
	unsigned char index, reserved1[3];
	unsigned long reserved2[123];
} metadiscinfo_t __attribute__((packed));

#endif /* _METADOS_H */