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Re: [MiNT] NFS server

Hello Jean,

>> i tested several settings for MTU now with always the same results:
>> -Linux-PC as Server, Falcon(s) as Client(s):
>>  Everything (File up/downloading, ID-mapping) works correct.

> I can't help you since my NFS config isn't working yet. But I thought
> you might help. Could you tell me how you configured the Falcon to
> access you PC shares? nfs_mount times out whatever I modify in the
> settings...

I set the following:

On Ubuntu-Linux-PC (Gnome Desktop):
-Packages 'nfs-common', 'nfs-kernel-server' and related must be installed.
-Now in Menu/System/Administration/Daemons (?), the daemons (programs)
 'Shared folders (nfs-kernel-server)' and 'RPC-mapper (portmap)' should
 be present and activated (hooked). Don't know if the pathname is correct
 for english Ubuntu version. Here all the auto-started apps should be listed.
-Edit file /etc/hosts.allow: Insert a line
  'ALL: x.x.x.x'
 (x.x.x.x is the IP of your Falcon).
-Create a folder for the shared files somewhere in /home or /home/USER. This
 folder should not contain more than 4 GByte, i think this is a limitation
 of NFS v2.
-Edit file /etc/exports: Insert a line in this order:
  /<shared folder>  <Falcon-IP or hostname>(Options,Options)
 My /etc/exports looks like this (for root-'privilegies'):
 Or like this:
 Every remote user is set to UID 1000 and GID 1000 then (see 'man exports').
-Reboot PC. Then type 'showmount -e <PC-IP or hostname>' in Falcon-bash. The shared folder
 should be listed now. This command is available if MinT-nfs-server.rpm is
-In Falcon-bash, type in the order
 'mount_nfs -v -o <Option1,Option2,...> <PC-IP or hostname>:/<shared folder> /nfs/<folder>'
 Mine looks like this ('gurke' is my PC's hostname, i named the local folder 'gurke', too):
 'mount_nfs -v -o rw,rsize=1024,wsize=1024,retrans=10 gurke:/home/schatznfs /nfs/gurke'
 With MinT, the local folder (mountpoint) MUST be in /nfs/.
 For other options see 'man nfs'.
OK, now in /nfs/<folder>, the contents of the shared folder should be displayed.

I hope this can help.