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Re: [MiNT] Should Setting Stack be added to Binutils?

Yeah this was discussed and it would be great to be able to add it to LDFLAGS or something but I looked over the binutils source and I got confused *very* quickly. I'm not sure how the --stack setting on i386 is passed through to the BFD.


Keith Scroggins wrote:
I did a little work on bootstrapping GCC 4.3.3 this weekend, and had problems with the stack not being set when going to the next stage. What I was wondering was if we could/should add stack functionality to Binutils so you could pass a linking flag of something like --stack=512k to have it set? Any input?

And, while thinking Binutils, any thoughts on updating the default Sparemint version with the newer 2.19.1? What all should be tested?

Here is a snippet of email between myself and Vincent from about an hour ago:

I actually got GCC 4.3.3 to stage 3 and then failed in AranyM this weekend

That's very good news !
You have made most of it.

(it was problems with c++ lib I think, failed during configure for it).
To be investigated...

Anyway, the point is, I am wondering if it is worthwhile to add stack setting capability to binutils directly, so it can be set right after an exe is linked, and could just be an additional LD FLAG. Maybe something along the line of --stack=512k or similar. Basically, when doing this locally, without having hacked the Makefiles, need to catch when the exe's are made, and if the build dies, and they have had stack adjusted, gcc will rebuild the exe once make is restarted.

Did any of that make sense? I was thinking about sending this to the MiNTList, but was not really sure if it was a good thought or not....

I definitely agree with you.
Some time ago, I posted a message with several solutions to the stack problem. I have been thinking to that recently, finally the linker option is the better (i386 targets already have that !). So it would be probably possible to type "configure LDFLAGS=--stack=512k", or maybe the same with make. I don't think it is too much difficult to do.

Go ahead, post this to the MiNT mailing list !
