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Re: [MiNT] XaAES: testdriver wanted

p.slegg@scubadivers.co.uk skreiv:

I was wondering if there were any plans to put tabbed functionality
into XaAES. I presume that is were it would go. To allow tabbed
windows like in Firefox. Might be useful for Highwire later.

This is not easy. It's easy enough to make a "Tab" object, but using tabs under GEM means moving, hiding and displaying parts of the object-tree. You would need a new RSC-edior as well to be able to easily create and edit those RSC-files.

It could be partially done by the AES though - create a variant of the frame-object with a tab-strip, and let the application handle hiding/showing of pages.

I am guessing what this is, a tree like structure. Could I suggest
doing them with triangles like in Jinnee and Arcview ? That would
be more consistent.

Only to those that are using Jinnee and Arcview ;-) I prefer the current look in XaAES over these.

Is this another function that could be added to XaAES ?

The object already exists (the list object), but it's not exposed to applications yet. I would assume that this is one thing that would be done when the current version is stable.

Jo Even