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Re: [MiNT] Potential bug on mouse wheel

Jo Even Skarstein wrote:
Peter Slegg skreiv:

No. I'm saying that Thing 1.27 most likely has been broken all the time.
A change (don't know which) in XaAES has highlighted a bug in Thing. The
fact that is has been working previously doesn't mean that it has been
working correctly.

It's a good job the software industry doesn't work like that.

I'm in the software industry. This is exactly how it works.
Jo Even is right.
An example:

One often reads " field xy is reserved "
It should have been " field xy is reserved and must be set to zero "

A next version of software that provides the field decides
that the field can serve purpose z. If not zero, it will do so.

Some (or all) of the apps that didnt zeroize xy
now become unpredictable. Some wont fail, others will.

Groeten; Regards.
Henk Robbers. http://members.chello.nl/h.robbers
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