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Re: [MiNT] Missing clobbered register in gemlib

Am 20.12.2009, 15:15 Uhr, schrieb Vincent Rivière <vincent.riviere@freesbee.fr>:

Beware: as I signaled in the other thread, my first gemlib patch has broken "make install". The file libc16.a is not correctly installed. If you want to make tests now, please copy it manually in /usr/lib.

I always copy manually.

About debuggers, I was really comfortable on ST, with Devpac 2's MonST for normal programs, and amonst.prg the resident version for other programs.

But MonST2 does not work on ARAnyM. I use GDB on ARAnyM, but only for normal programs. I don't know how to debug the AES.

fvdi has debug-ouput too, but is goes to the console, which is cleared by v_opnwk or v_clswk, so I cannot read it (See my testprog).

Maybe I'll try gdb on aranym, but my last efforts on the TT have not been very encouraging.

And also I have misconfigured something in aranym so the scrolled text in the EMUTOS-console is hard to read. Maybe someone knows how to fix this?

But I now believe that something goes wrong in aranym/fvdi, and that is not what I intended to work on.
