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Re: [MiNT] [MiNT]patches, was: Mintlib: Bindings for EsetShift() and VsetMask()

Am 13.12.2009, 12:17 Uhr, schrieb Vincent Rivière <vincent.riviere@freesbee.fr>:

"loaded more than once" and "shared" are opposite things.

Yes :)

If I'm not wrong, Linux does not allow to load a module more than once. But when it is in memory, it can be used by several process, like a shared library.

In FreeMiNT, ext2, ethernet, and even xaaes are shared and used by all the process, am I wrong ?

Yes - right, in the case of xaaes this would mean to only free it when all processes that use it exited. But those processes have been started (and before exiting being terminated or killed) by xaaes. So in this case there cannot be a user left. In other cases there might be a counter needed, say workstations if fvdi would be a km for example. But this is nothing I have dealt with yet.

And ext2, etc. are no kms. That brought me to another improvement: Allow KM_FREE only for MODCLASS_KM.
