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Re: [MiNT] XaAES & Photoline

Am 30.03.2010, 21:51 Uhr, schrieb Jean-Luc CECCOLI <Jean-Luc.Ceccoli@wanadoo.fr>:

As I thought, my reg file is recognized.
I loaded a picture, went to the print menu and noticed no problem
when clicking to and fro.

On aranym it doesn't show any image, and tends to crash very soon.

I am now configuring my test-TT with crazy-dots. It seems to run ok there, but the printer-dialog does not open, maybe because there is currently only an img-driver installed. On that TT it only runs if started from a FAT-fs, else it crashes at startup.

Obviously photoline doesn't use clean system-calls, else it should do on aranym, shouldn't it?

I suspect that Peters problem arises from VDI not AES, as Milan has a different VDI than Falcon, I think.

But I will continue trying to get it to run on the TT+nvdi-ET4000.

Helmut Karlowski