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Re: [MiNT] Keyboard handler

Am 22.04.2010, 21:54 Uhr, schrieb Alan Hourihane <alanh@fairlite.co.uk>:

> keyboard handler generally (insert key in some applications, Texel and
> Kobol
> from what I remember), what about reverting that new keyboard handler to

I've fixed that in my kernel (about a year ago).

You've fixed the keyboard handler already ???

If so, is there some isolated patch we can bring into the trunk to
test ?

The insert-issue - that's a one-liner.

This used the ROM-handler. I don't know if it's this handler, but MiNT
1.17 runs much more stable than 1.15. It just needs some adjustment.

But it should be possible to configure MiNT to use the ROM-keyboard
instead (like on Milan if I'm not wrong).

That's an option I tried, but it didn't seem to work for me. But there
does seem to be some corresponding assembly code that needs tweaking

And I don't think it's really necessary. I haven't yet plugged in the Eiffel-interface, but during the next months I'll hopefully try.

But it should be possible to use the method I use for the single-task-thing to avoid the repeat (any repeat at all) temporarily.

I guess it's something like a race-condition.

Helmut Karlowski