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Re: [MiNT] missing xversion.h

Am 16.05.2010, 23:06 Uhr, schrieb Vincent Rivière <vincent.riviere@freesbee.fr>:

Maybe that's why I don't understand it ;)

Basically, xversion.h depends of *.c and *.h, excepted xversion.h itself because you would get a circular reference. Beware, there is a trap, you can't use $@ in the list of dependencies because it is not substituted.

First I use "ls -t" to sort the modified dependencies, then I take only the first file to feed "date -r"

For details:

I'll study next weekend, and leave it as is (let POSIX complain).

I think the -nt is wider spread than the GNU(?)-make-specials, and the goal I want to reach is not really essential.

Helmut Karlowski