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Re: [MiNT] Release

Am 31.05.2010, 21:41 Uhr, schrieb Alan Hourihane <alanh@fairlite.co.uk>:

1. The kernel code outside of XAAeS should be broken up into patches and
posted to the list with clear explanations of the codes intentions. If
everyone is happy, then the code can be committed to the trunk.

2. XAAeS could be merged once the above is complete as I suspect that
there are some dependent patches in Helmut's tree that require changes
to the kernel.

3. Release.
I will produce a patch that implements the single-task-stuff for the  
trunk-kernel this week.
Everything else I changed in the kernel is not urgent and not very  
Once the single-task-patch is in, people that use my kernel now, should  
use the trunk-kernel. So any issues they encounter may possibly easily get  
fixed. Apart of the single-task-mode the trunk-kernel should work with my  
xaaes already.
Then trunk-xaaes should be replaced by mine. Is this possible with cvs? No  
patching, just replacing.
Then release.

Once the release is out I will come up with the other kernel-changes.

Then there will be a (hopefully short) time where the trunk-xaaes and the helmut-xaaes are identical and changes will have to be committed to both.
Helmut Karlowski