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Re: [MiNT] MiNTLib 0.59.1 for your testing pleasure....

Paul Wratt wrote:
It would be benificial if the 3 above gcc could be used on a single
install, at least on ARanyM, where space is not an issue

I see 3 solutions:

1) On ARAnyM, use 2 different setups (virtual hard disks, etc.). I have one setup with the official EasyMiNT setup with old tools, and another one upgraded with the new packages from Keith.

2) Rebuild the GCC 4.x package with a program suffix. For example, on Cygwin "gcc" is the old GCC 3.x, and "gcc-4" is the new GCC 4.x. New packages are upgraded to be compilable with gcc-4. After upgrading all the packages, I believe the old gcc package will be dropped and gcc-4 will be renamed gcc.
To compile gcc with the "-4" suffix, use the following:
configure --program-suffix="-4"

3) Use only GCC 4.x from the current package from Keith. If you want to rebuild an old source package, you will have to upgrade it for GCC 4.x first. This work will be required one day or another.

Vincent Rivière