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Re: [MiNT] UNIXMODE defaults


On Monday 05 July 2010, Alan Hourihane wrote:
> > I was mainly asking whether there's MiNT (and MiNTLib) specific
> > information about its threads implementation (besides the old stuff on
> > my ancient web page).
> MiNT & MiNTlib don't have a thread implementation.

I went back to old Atari/MiNT docs and only now noticed that although they
speak separately of processes and threads, the term thread seems in those
docs to mean(?) the process state between fork an exec ... not what thread
normally means.

"Child processes created with Pvfork() share the entire program code and 
data space including the processor stack. The parent process is suspended 
until the child exits or calls Pexec()'s mode 200."

Sorry for the confusion.

> MiNTlib is unfortunately far from thread-safe.

If MiNT doesn't thread, MiNTlib being thread-safe (locking etc) would just
make it slower without any benefits...

	- Eero