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Re: [MiNT] Daily build

Am 25.08.2010 12:25, schrieb Miro Kropacek:
Perhaps, if someone who knows what to do, would start a simple
"How to setup a daily build" readme, i would give it a try. For now,
i fear to destroy my running 1-16-3 setup.
I think this is very overrated thing. It's basically about following:

- rename your actual mint.prg to mint.prx
- copy new mint.prg there, make sure sorting is kept (i.e. new
mint.prx is just before/after mint.prx)
- copy 1-17-0 folder into /c/mint
- check you have enabled / disabled all XDDs, XFSs and XIFs exactly as
in your old setup
- copy mint.cnf, mint.ini and xaaes/xaaes.cnf relatively into 1-17-0 folder
- if using easymint, localize 'xaaes' symlink ('which xaaes' on
console) and rename it to something else (old_xaaes for example)
- make a new symlink (ln -s /c/mint/1-17-0/xaaes/xaloader.prg xaaes),
this will create 'xaaes' in current (!) directory
- reboot

You might find somes stuff pointing into previous mint setup
(/c/mint/1-16-cur) like teradesk or gluestik or anything else but this
is no harm. It can stay where it is or if you like clean directory
tree, you can move / change it later. Never copy any system stuff
(like XDDs or RSCs) from 1.16.x, always use released versions. If
missing, scream on ML, it's a bug (or it has good reason why it's not
there and shouldn't be included).

So you see, nothing really hard. This is written from top of my head,
there might be some errors but it's basically as easy as described.

Thanks MiKro, i think that helps more users than only me.

Last time i tried, i did make it quite similar, but didn't know about the symlink thingie. Therefore i was using new MiNT kernel with old XaAES? No surprise it didn't work....