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Re: [MiNT] XaAES: menus in windows - window handle?

>> Just wait some time, when things have settled. Would you agree to do it the windows-way?
> Windows-way... which means clicking on a menu bar in the background tops the window? (I'm on OSX, can't really test the it myself atm!).
> In such case - I think it should be optional. In my project, it could make sense to use e.g. edit->paste on a non-topped window..

It's optional in Windows as well. At least none of my Windows machines
top a window based on clicking anything within the window itself (they
do top when the window border is clicked, though). Menus do get drawn
on top of everything else on the screen, though, even if they belong
to a window in the background (I suppose that makes sense, since it
would be kind of difficult to see the menu items sometimes otherwise).
This can look a bit strange if you use the keyboard to navigate the
"background menu", though.  ;-)

Of course, this is not the standard behaviour under Windows, but I've
not run into a single application that misbehaves.
(I use a tiny (42 kbyte) utility called TXMouse to give X-like mouse
behaviour. That is, keyboard and mouse events go to the window
currently under the mouse cursor.)
