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Re: [MiNT] XaAES Gradients

Am 09.08.2010, 21:59 Uhr, schrieb Paul Wratt <paul.wratt@gmail.com>:

whos gonna do this? (config reader)

does anyone who currently works on XaAES know how to eval() structs at
runtime from c source files (which is the fastest config parser in
this case)

You mean something like fread( &s, sizeof(s), 1, fp);


Why cant those user defined configs be exactly like the provided c files?

Would be better to have a separate too that creates bins.

I dont know what the problems are with people on the list in relation
to textures and gradients, you've had like 7 years + to look into
this, soon as some else does all hell breaks loose, what gives?

Come on - your solution is really very experimental, and it's not worth cluttering the code with that preliminary stuff.

Helmut Karlowski