On Monday 23 Aug 2010 17:01:39 Lars Schmidbauer wrote:One more: With CTPCI/Radeon, XaAES themes (ext. textures) don't work. In xaboot.log there's an errormessage for every image which was found in /xaaes/img/hc/:xaaes_sysfile: check if '\d\MINT\1-17-0\XAAES\img\hc\wtitle.img' exists -return = 0 load_img: '\d\MINT\1-17-0\XAAES\img\hc\wtitle.img' load_img: file \d\MINT\1-17-0\XAAES\img\hc\wtitle.img depacking...OK!, no palette pixel format:screen:planes=32 pixel-format=-1 src:8They don't seem to work with my Falcon with the BlowUp screen expander either (every background is white) but I don't have the same error messages. I attachthe boot log.
I've seen this before: planes wrong: 265 planes now: 1 <- this is an emergency-kludgeVideo info: width(768/576), planes :1, colours 256 pixel-format 8 palsz=1536
Display Device: Phys_handle=1, Virt_handle=2 size=[768,576], colours=256, bitplanes=1I guess it was J-Luc, it's not been found yet. When planes < 8 (you have 256 wrong value from opnwk, changed to 1) no texture-files are loaded.
All this only happens with the CT. -- Helmut Karlowski