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Re: [MiNT] XaAES + toolbar behavior

Am Samstag, den 11.12.2010, 20:54 +0100 schrieb Peter Persson 
11 dec 2010 kl. 20.49 skrev m0n0:

I guess Windom has it's own Toolbar implementation.... so this is probably of little help for you, but with WinDom + Toolbar I only get one WM_TOOLBAR message for a mouse click.
Regular clicks seems ok, I only get this behavior when using
graf_movebox(). It seems this causes XaAES to generate a WM_TOOLBAR
message when the mouse button is released.

-- PeP
Ok, now I understand...

I guess you know that the mouse click is repeating when you hold it down (just asking to be sure...). Maybe the last mouse event stops graf_movebox, but is also passed to the event list of the XaAES? If thats the case, then this problem is not only related to WM_TOOLBAR, but all the code that makes use of functions like graf_*box (custom sliders, etc. ).