Am Sonntag, den 19.12.2010, 23:04 +0100 schrieb WongCK <>:
To avoid this message, go to the >options>global setting and select save Save windows to enable. Then click OK to close the global config window. Do a save options. Exit qed. Run Qed and error ought to be no more.
Thanks! Works very well.
So mono, If error message is no more, then when can we get the next release of NetSurf :-)
I will provide an test version for people with 15-32 bits video card. I think 32Mhz & 32MB RAM is the minimum processor requirement... If you want to do some test with that version, please send me your system specs and I will provide you with an binary.
I want to release an "public alpha" at beginning of march 2011... Greets, m