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Re: [MiNT] updated XaAES wiki docs

On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 9:31 PM, Helmut Karlowski
<helmut.karlowski@ish.de> wrote:
> Am 15.01.2011, 10:33 Uhr, schrieb Jo Even Skarstein <joska@online.no>:
>> On Sat, 2011-01-15 at 12:39 +1100, Paul Wratt wrote:
>>> I am not exactly sure what it is, except that with most (good) docs in
>>> HYP format, the title of that page is also the first line of text for
>>> that page, usually underlined (or similar, from memory)
>> HypView already displays the title of the current page in the window
>> title.
> I guess he also wants the title of the document in the window-title.
> --
> Helmut Karlowski
That depends on what others think, maybe what app they use.

If HypView displays the title, that is enough for me, as I (normally) use that.

But what other HYP viewers are there (used for online help), and how
many are being used in the same environment XaAES/MiNT is?
