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Re: [MiNT] XaAES Language-selection

Am 09.01.2011, 14:27 Uhr, schrieb Gerhard Stoll <gerhard_stoll@gmx.de>:

I bet you never used it
Everyone can win this. I use FreeMiNT 1.15.12 and N.AES 2.0
So you cannot even speak to us ;-)

How can I generate the rsl file, it looks like that I need XaAES?

What mean the number? Who do you handle that trees have the same
object numbers.
The number is dropped already.

You should maybe give more information or have seen somthing not?
Will document this of course.

Is there any well known prg that uses theses layers except rsm?
Ist that important? I thinking we talk about the AES.
I want to know if and how this works, I cannot switch the language in rsm?

[1] Mein Englisch ist nunmal so schlecht, daß ich keine blumige
Aussprache tätigen kann. Deshalb mag alles etwas hart rüberkommen.
Ja, auch meine Rechtschreibung ist...
Macht ja nix :-)

Helmut Karlowski