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Re: [MiNT] VDI clipping

Am I correct in interpreting this to mean that you do not use the VDI
text routines, but rather something internal to Netsurf?

should i just let VDI do the job? As I said, this will be called for each
and every character...
Are these actual VDI characters or simply monochrome bitmaps?
monochrom bitmaps ( mfdb's).

vs_clip is a VDI function and thus uses a Trap. However, you would
normally not be calling it very often, since the same clip rectangle
usually applies to many drawing calls.
Do you have any special reason for calling it often?
That was wrong - I only have to clip for every string that I draw, but 
when controlling the clip manually I have to calculate that clipping for 
every character.
That would of course depend on the VDI and display driver you're
using, but in general I would expect a monochrome bitmap clip (which I
assume we are talking about here) to be quite cheap. No VDI is likely
to do the clipping on a pixel by pixel basis.
That sounds fine :)

When drawing text, both NVDI and fVDI normally build an internal
monochrome bitmap of the whole string before blitting that to the
screen in one go.
nice idea =) That's also very handy for the other text renderers... I 
expect that will speed up the drawing a lot :)
Thanks for your answer!
