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Re: [MiNT] Eiffel wheel mouse

Am 17.05.2011, 22:58 Uhr, schrieb Vincent Rivière <vincent.riviere@freesbee.fr>:

Vincent Rivière wrote:
And Shift+F9 is buggy, it should be Page Left.

Here is a tiny patch for that.
Helmut, please commit!

Fixed left mouse wheel with Eiffel. Contributed by Vincent Riviere.

Ok. Another question:

In keyboard_input I've added a break:

if ( cfg.eiffel_support && eiffel_wheel((unsigned short)key.raw.conin.scan & 0xff))
      if( f_instat(C.KBD_dev) )

(last two lines). This is what I think is correct, it doesn't reflect the original code, but your first version. It avoids wheel-keys go into normal processing. Should I add this?

Helmut Karlowski