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[MiNT] [PATCH] nfs copyright character


nfs.xfs copyright character suffers from the same trouble as ext2 one. I'm sorry I didn't notice that before. Here is an additional patch.

Alan, please commit!

Fixed copyright character. Contributed by Vincent Riviere.

Vincent Rivière
--- freemint.orig/sys/xfs/nfs/main.c	2011-07-30 14:32:53.687500000 +0200
+++ freemint.work/sys/xfs/nfs/main.c	2011-07-30 14:11:34.750000000 +0200
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
 	"\033p Network file system driver version " MSG_VERSION " \033q\r\n"
 # define MSG_GREET	\
-	"� 1993, 1994 by Ulrich K�hn.\r\n" \
-	"� " MSG_BUILDDATE " by Frank Naumann.\r\n" \
+	"\xbd 1993, 1994 by Ulrich K\x81hn.\r\n" \
+	"\xbd " MSG_BUILDDATE " by Frank Naumann.\r\n" \
 	"See the file COPYING for copying and using conditions.\r\n"
 # define MSG_ALPHA	\