m0n0 wrote:
I think so, maybe these link can help you?
Thanks, that doc is useful to understand cache issues.
I know that there is /dev/fd0, - and I believe it is what you call a
block device.
Where is it ? I can't see it.
We are speaking of the floppy drive A:, right ?
But I think it's an completly different story with hard-disks, as you
know, the driver for harddisk is loaded before FreeMiNT kernel. And
filesystem drivers directly create devices like U:/f - for example, and
I'm not sure if they can be called block devices, because the data
transfer ( of blocks) is done by lower layers.
We don't care if the block device is internally handled by TOS drivers
or FreeMiNT stuff.
From the user view, a disk block device like /dev/sda is just like a
standard file, it can be viewed, edited, copied, etc. And standard Linux
tools like fdisk can use it to create partitions inside it.
Then partition block devices such as /dev/sda1 are similar, but for each
partition inside a disk. They can be viewed, copied, etc, and formated
using standard tools such as mkfatfs, etc.
I didn't check carefully, but it seems that any Linux block device tool
(mkfatfs, df...) must be specifically patched for FreeMiNT, that's a
real pain.