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[MiNT] AW: Re: RPM problem

What's your definition of correct - using an recent RPM spec file or using one that used to work with sparemint? You should try the latter first. 

No errors?  I had once an spec file where the package was created, but but deleted afterwards.... I had to change the order of the regions within the spec file.... (cleanup was after build - it must be before the build)


-- Greets, 

Am 27.08.2011 10:28 schrieb Miro Kropáček <miro.kropacek@gmail.com>:

And everything goes ok, no errors, everything compiles, but in the end RPM does not create package :/ There are no error messages whatsoever :(
Are you sure you are looking at the right place? I can't remember the exact location but it was like /usr/share/redhat/RPM/build or so.

MiKRO / Mystic Bytes