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Re: [MiNT] Multiple cnf files.

Am Samstag, den 19.11.2011, 22:18 +0100 schrieb Christos Tziotzis <ctziotzis@gmail.com>:

P.S. If anyone had another idea or already done something like that
let me know ;)


I guess you already use an boot manager and joska told you how to use it for multiple sets.

I'm planning to add support for a little bit scripting within my custom boot manager... But it requires an build in editor, that's the part which takes the most time and therefore
this new feature is not coming so soon.

What it could do then:
You write a script for each set. Within the script you can copy a custom mint config to mint.cnf.

That way you can have multiple setups of the same mint installation. (For example one config which loads myaes, another one that loads xaaes with 16bit color depth, another one which loads into 8bit...).

But I didn't finished thinking about this. Maybe it's better for the user to have it like it is with xboot.
No scripts, but defining custom config files...
