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Re: [MiNT] XaAES bubble-help (Was: Re: Samba)

Am 05.11.2011, 19:55 Uhr, schrieb Peter Slegg <p.slegg@scubadivers.co.uk>:

MintSetter is a good candidate to make your system crash. What do you need
it for?

What it was intended for. Useful to see what version of Mint is running.

That is also displayed in the System-window of XaAES.

Somewhat ironic that MintSetter no longer works with Mint. The list of GEM
apps that don't work with Mint is getting longer.

It is written in GFA (10 years ago), which excludes it for me anyway.

I've spend already some time to trace this but it's hard to reproduce and even harder to spot.

Helmut Karlowski