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Re: [MiNT] Drawing inconsistency with BOXCHAR objects

Am 12.02.2012, 13:19 Uhr, schrieb Jean-François Lemaire


Have a look at the attached screen capture and you'll see what I mean: the top objects (the left one a BOXTEXT, the right one a BOXCHAR) are both enabled and drawn by RSM. Below, the same tree with both objects disabled. You'll see that
the BOXCHAR looks like it was 'over enabled' rather than disabled. This
doesn't look right at all to me.
Looks wrong. Do you have any other flags for the BOXCHAR-object? Does it
happen in rsm or in the app or both?

I tried with the atari-demo-list-dialog and could not reproduce it.
Screenshot only possible in rsm because the dialog blocks.


Helmut Karlowski

Attachment: box.gif
Description: GIF image