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Re: [MiNT] Drawing inconsistency with BOXCHAR objects

Am 12.02.2012, 15:24 Uhr, schrieb Jean-François Lemaire <jflemaire@skynet.be>:

On Sunday 12 February 2012 15:16:13 Helmut Karlowski wrote:
Am 12.02.2012, 14:57 Uhr, schrieb Jean-François Lemaire

> It seems it would be the INDICATOR flag that is the problem. Without it,
> it's
> OK.

What is this flag good for?

It modifies the aspect. Just create a BOXCHAR/BOX/BOXTEXT object and you'll see for yourself. But the issue is that all BOX* objects should be drawn in
the same manner.

Yes - of course, and now it does because the code for boxchar now does the same as the code for boxtext ...

Helmut Karlowski

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