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Re: [MiNT] Various problems in 1-18-cur

Am 11.03.2012, 19:18 Uhr, schrieb Helmut Karlowski <helmut.karlowski@ish.de>:
Am 11.03.2012, 19:08 Uhr, schrieb Ekkehard Flessa <ekkehard_flessa@t-online.de>:
Hi Helmut!

HK>Did it run on any previous XaAES or under MiNT at all?

Of course it did run, otherwise I wouldn't complain just now. I'll
have to check which version exactly broke it, I guess 1.18
Right - it works with MiNT 1.16.
Must be the kernel - when I run gemini from EmuTOS it works in MiNT 1.16,  
not in 1.18, no XaAES involved.
With MiNT 1.16 it also runs with XaAES (0.998).

Little chance to find this short-term.

Helmut Karlowski