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[MiNT] NetSurf coldfire builds

I'll post this message here, because it contains interesting content
for people who want to have the netsurf SDK / m5475 toolchain.

--- original message ---


I like to tell you that there are now coldfire autobuilds - big thanks to the netsurf team which spend several hours making it work! As the m68020-60 build, this build isn't fully optimized. (Because the m68k-060 build breaks with -O2 flags)

You can download the builds here:


The netsurf team also build an own toolchain of Vincents gcc cross compiler. It's for building the coldfire executables. It is named m5475-atari-mint, maybe someone is interested in this - because it makes cross-compilation of coldfire packages a bit more easy (hint: no overwritten include files / pkgfiles).


