I'm not sure I understood what you wanted. You're talking about auto-sent WM_REDRAW messages, right?
Nope, probaly the opposite. Of course I also care about aut-sent messages, but I was mostly thinking about sending WM_REDRAWS to my own application because maybe the AES can handle the list of redraw areas better than I do with my internal list
(read the previous answer to OL).Netsurf requests redraws via callback... currently I add them to an internal list and process
the redraw when the event loop has no more events to process.But maybe it would be better to send an WM_REDRAW... at least that would make the event loop more "standard". But I only would do that when every AES is ready to handle a bunch of WM_REDRAW'S in an optimized fashion. I don't want to get 2Messages for 2 overlapping regions.... because each redraw results in an wind_get(WF_FIRSRXYWH...) while{ wind_get(WF_NEXTXYWH) ... }
You're trying to figure out thebest way to force a redraw of your application's work area in the mostefficient way?
right ;) Greets, Ole