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Re: [MiNT] LDG guide

I browsed through it and this stuck to my eye:
"Yeah kids, mintlib is huge and bloated in combination with ineffective
a.out format."

a.out format makes only few bytes difference for a linked program
which is stripped.  MiNTlib using binaries are larger because MiNTlib
has more features than the other libraries.
With that (not exactly accurate) statement I wanted to point out on another thing -- a.out works (AFAIK) only on "file level", i.e. if you have 10 functions in 1 file, and you need one function from the set, whole file is linked. Typical example is printf(), it has so many (file) dependencies that if you make one simple Hello World, it links in tens of KBs.

Maybe I talk nonsense here, Vincent will know better, as usual ;)