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Re: [MiNT] XaAES language detection via appl_getinfo()

Jo Even Skarstein, 20.11.2012 22:35:44:

On Sat, 2012-01-21 at 20:29 +0100, Helmut Karlowski wrote:

> Therefore, Getcookie(C__AKP,...) yields AESLANG_FRENCH, which is
> correct, but
> appl_getinfo(AES_LANGUAGE,...) also yields AESLANG_FRENCH, which is not, > unless I'm very much mistaken. In previous XaAES versions, appl_getinfo()
> yielded AESLANG_ENGLISH correctly.

Did you try another language than English? I have keyboard ge, and tried
with lang=en and lang=fr in xaaes.cnf. Sysinfo shows French correct, but
nothing for English.

Maybe only English is broken.
Old thread, but I stumbled into this problem today. I switched TOS
language to German (in NVRAM) on my Firebee. XaAES was still in English,
except that appl_getinfo(AES_LANGUAGE... now reports German. Shouldn't
AES_LANGUAGE report the actual language used by the running AES, and not
the TOS language?
Did you set lang in xaaes.cnf? XaAES in English may be because there is no  
german translation found (missing rsl-file or whatever). There is a line  
lang= in the bootlog which tells how language is detected.
Helmut Karlowski