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Re: [MiNT] Stairs effect on MiNT console

Vincent Rivière, 10.01.2013 03:21:00:

On 03/01/2013 00:59, Vincent Rivière wrote:
But when the same program is renamed .prg and run from XaAES (whether or not the TosWin2 Console is opened), there is the stairs effect. This is wrong.

And the culprit is... XaAES.

In k_main():
	 * console-output:
* if RAW Ctrl-S is not eaten by the kernel, but \n is not translated to \r\n
	 * if COOKED Ctrl-S may confuse XaAES but \n is translated to \r\n
* set RAW for maximum TOS-compatibility - toswin-clients have to use their own settings
	set_tty_mode( RAW/*COOKED*/ );

Why ??


Helmut Karlowski