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Re: [MiNT] [PATCH] Machine dependent module path extension

On 02/12/13 17:10, Miro Kropáček wrote:

    You say <sysdir>/<mch>/mint.cnf. I'm a bit confused. Would e.g.
    "1-18-cur" still be SYSDIR even if "1-18-cur/ara" exists? Doesn't
    right to me. I would expect "1-18-cur/ara" to be SYSDIR under ARAnyM.

Well, I don't know. You people tell me :) This was my first idea, I'm not saying it must stay like this. But one can argue that if you set 1-18-cur/ara as sysdir, why it should load modules from 1-18-cur, right? And this is something I really like, the possibility to have "shared" modules.

Actually, this is something I don't like, but currently it "may" be inevitable.

With 1.19 we'll be compiling only for a specific architecture, and all modules within the FreeMiNT tree. Therefore they should be placed in <sysdir>/<mch>.

There are some binary only modules out there which would be subject to this shared mode I guess.

Things such as Odd's binary EtherNEC and NE2000 drivers are examples, as I'm not sure if the Hades RTL8139.XIF has been compiled for 68020-60 (probably) or 68040 or 68060. So the question here is should they be put in a "shared" directory or just copied into the <sysdir>/{030,040,060} directories ???

