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Re: [MiNT] stairs reloaded

Vincent Rivière, 25.02.2013 00:03:54:

Could you please test the attached patch?
Both stairs effects and serial issues should be fixed.
Did you test this with toswin?

E.g.: ps >/dev/console

If that's OK, please commit.
I'll try but I don't think it will work.

I don't think that the T_ECHOCTL you added is useful.
It's a kludge because CRMOD is 0 and cannot be set externally I guess.

I tested with Hatari and /dev/modem1, but it seems that crmod is enabled by
default for tty lines, so I didn't see the effect of my new patch with a
simple echo.
When there's  /dev/modem1 there should also be /dev/ttyS1 if mfp.xdd is  
installed. Use that one.
There's also always been the problem setting crnl-translation via stty:
Proper stty implementation may require additional mappings in the MiNTLib
termios, that will be a further task.
I don't think we'll get around this ..

Helmut Karlowski