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Re: [MiNT] XaAES and appl_init()

Vincent Rivière, 26.02.2013 21:03:57:

On 24/02/2013 19:57, Vincent Rivière wrote:
As seen on the EmuTOS mailing list, XaAES uses appl_init() at startup to
determine if the VDI workstation is opened or not. But it does that in
supervisor mode, while calling the AES from supervisor is forbidden. So
running XaAES from the desktop with GEM=ROM (both EmuTOS and TOS 4.04)
crashes with ARAnyM.

This XaAES bug is annoying, now it crashes on the FireBee with EmuTOS, too.
Are we going to keep things as-is for the 1.18 release?

I have a version that perfectly starts from EmuTOS, but then EmuTOS crashes when XaAES exits. This is achieved by simply skipping appl_init which is surely a hack.

I also tried to switch to user-mode with Super(). The switch worked, but appl_init crashed again, i.e. no change to supervisor-mode.

So as a fast solution I would do:

- Is this EmuTOS (could be provided by kentry)?

- Can the exit-crash be avoided somehow? I have not yet inspected this crash.


- Apply my EmuTOS-patch, which would also allow XaAES to run from EmuTOS (at least in my version).

In the end maybe it's possible to use xaloader for appl_init as suggested by you but that's more expensive as I don't know yet how to pass the apid to XaAES and would possibly require to exchange xaloader by anyone. Also I have plans to get rid of xaloader completely but that's very vague.

Helmut Karlowski