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Re: [MiNT] Menu redraw

On Sat, 23 Mar 2013 23:58:41 , "Helmut Karlowski" <helmut.karlowski@ish.de> wrote:
> Peter Slegg, 23.03.2013 21:44:28:
> > Could the redraw be issued when the menu closes ? This would be a lot
> > faster
> > but the window might be out of date for a moment. Does that matter ?
> Yes is does. Also why would it be much faster? The app could do the redraw
> by blitting, which gives about the same as if the AES would do it.

I wasn't sure if the app redraw had to re-render the AES objects,
boxes, fonts etc. If it did, then I imagine that would be slower than just
whacking a block of graphics onto the screen.
