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Re: [MiNT] Menu redraw

I can explain because this is the same in MyAES, XaAES need to do this
because the menu is in window, and it is in window because this the only
clean way to the AES to not lock applications when the menu is open. So
when a window close the AES send a WM_REDRAW as for all windows and
because under window the content can have changed, we can't save the
content before display the menu to restore it after the close as it is
the case on old AES.


Is the underlying screen area cached ?
For MyAES not for the moment, it's not so easy to do it

When moving from menu to menu is it necessary to issue a full redraw ?
This is the most easy and clean way I think
Could the redraw be issued when the menu closes ? This would be a lot 
but the window might be out of date for a moment. Does that matter ?
I try to implement this in the past and for the moment this source code is in comment, it's so old I suppose it was because I have some redraw problem with this, it should be possible to do it.


