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Re: [MiNT] All changes?

There is a chapter Installation guide in the wiki:


That's the guide I followed. Could not have finished my setup without it, but some things that were outdated would leave me wondering. For example, RPM no longer needs /etc/rpmrc; KGMD is being mentioned yet I was starting from scratch, etc.

Bernd, can you make me a wiki account, and let's see if I can get more involved. It can't hurt to try.

I second that. Both, the wiki account and "it can't hurt to try" :)

Attached are some personal notes I put down while building my own setup. These are quite, quite rough, but I can amalgamate the knowledge behind them into the existing guide, or create a new wiki to serve as a quick step-by-step reference.


On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Daeghnao <zoe@daeghnao.com> wrote:
Regarding user-friendly documentation, it's something that I would like to try to get involved with but there are currently some barriers:
* I only have an old mint install on falcon 030 and don't know if it is operational
* I don't have a huge amount of spare time and it comes in lumps
* I do similar stuff at my day job so I might get annoyed quickly.

Bernd, can you make me a wiki account, and let's see if I can get more involved. It can't hurt to try.

 -- zoe

On 20 Mar 2013, at 15:54, Bernd Mueller <ragnar76@googlemail.com> wrote:

> damn. instead of replay all i just presse reply to helmut :(
> Nenad, the Wiki is still locked for new user accounts (because of heavy
> spam usage). If you need an accout, just drop me a line and i will
> create you one.
> bye
> Bernd

Setup SpareMiNT from Scratch - My Quick Guide
- setup a partition for your software library (L) where you can download sparemint packages 
-- in aranym we set this as a hostdir so that we can download various packages from the host machine
- some of the basic packages you will need to have very early on to boostrap RPM are:
-- list of packages here... (rpm's deps)
-- you will also need misc/rootfs+rpm-3.06.tgz and a binary of some shell 
-- the rootfs+rpm archive is unfrtunately missing a shell (bin/sh) so you will need to obtain it elsewhere (e.g. FireBee has SH.TTP inside C:\MINT\SYS)

- create a bigger empty ext2 partition for the physical part of your U: drive
- connect the partition to your system - e.g. setup in aranym as D: (U:/D/) as ext2 image
- copy misc/rootfs+rpm-3.06.tgz to the partition
- unzip and untar rootfs+rpm-3.06.tgz to create the initial directory structure
- in the /d/etc directory, create passwd and group files
-- add entry for root user, with blank password (can be set later) and shell path pointing to where you have some temporary TOS shell (e.g. /c/mint/sys/sh.ttp comes with FireBee)
-- use the group file template ... some of the packages you install will for example like that you have 'wheel' group
- in the c:/mint/<cur>/mint.cnf setup UFS to link (sln) to the directories created from rootfs+rpm
- restart machine so that symbolic links to these directories can take effect

- you should now be able to navigate all the directories in the UFS with their unix paths (e.g. /etc, /bin)
- if L:\ is not ext2, copy <rpm-package>.rpm from /l/sparemint/sparemint/RPMS/m68kmint/rpm... to /d
- it is important that rpm file is also on an ext2 partion as well as the root fs. rpm won't like if you try to install your packages from a non-ext2 partition, it won't be able to read them
- then cd to directory where package is and 
- now you're ready to try self update of RPM; do "rpm -ivh <rpm-package>.rpm"
- rpm will report you what packages you will need to install before
- download+copy the packages that are reported as dependencies (ideally, you can use RPM search tool or page that lists all RPMs - usually the dependencies reported will correspond to the package names listed - although deps are really prgs)
- once you are done installing everything, don't forget to update root's shell to /bin/bash 
- you can also update root's password to something using command 'passwd'