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Re: [MiNT] Problem with wind_set() in 1.19

Jean-François Lemaire, 31.03.2013 22:41:39:

On Sunday 31 March 2013 22:33:49 Helmut Karlowski wrote:
Helmut Karlowski, 31.03.2013 22:24:53:
> http://forum.atari-home.de/index.php?topic=10157.0

Guess you'll need to login to see it.
Thanks a lot. How weird. This didn't happen before 1.19, right?
I think it always happened. I could only reproduce it when the  
gemclip-window is below the (virtual) XaAES-process-menu and not started  
iconified. The object-coordinates had x=y=0 in this case.
Helmut Karlowski