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Re: [MiNT] MiNTlib timing related functions behavior/performance

Vincent Rivière, 18.04.2013 19:07:26:

On 18/04/2013 14:24, Eero Tamminen wrote:
PS. It's untested because MiNTlib from CVS doesn't build
in my Sparemint/Aranym setup ("cat" complains about
there being no file named "-", Make complaining about
"multibyte" directory missing).

IIRC at least the cat problem comes from ARAnyM's hostfs.
Compilation usually works fine on ext2 partitions.

In case you're using bash: It has cat built-in, which can fail with the cat - -thing.

#echo 1 >1
#echo 2 >2
#cat 1 | cat - 2
#/bin/cat 1 | /bin/cat - 2

Or your cat is too old. I cannot see that it can come from the filesystem.

You can mkdir the multibyte-directory and cvs co or up (don't remember) from there. Make sure to remove the .P-files for the multibyte-functions.

Helmut Karlowski