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Re: [MiNT] Test program for shel_write(SWM_LAUNCH, ...)

Why 2 times? Because on my system, the 1st swcalle.prg instance has a
correct working directory (something like "F:\swtest") but the second
instance always has "U:\c\mint\1-19-CUR\XAAES". (NOTE: My suspicion is that on
other systems the current working directory is wrong everytime).
XaAES sets the path to it's own home after it launched a client. This is  
only useful if the actual caller is XaAES (I guess). In your case swcaller  
is the caller and so things go wrong. I'm not sure if the path should  
always be restored to the caller's home-path - now it's only reset in case  
of XaAES being the caller.
Patch committed to my branch.

Thanks for the testcase.

Helmut Karlowski