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Re: [MiNT] [PATCH] Build fails

OK, since my Ethernat refuses to work (fortunately we've got Svethlana now) I can't really verify this. But I still want to have a compilable source tree so here's another patch, disabling -Werror for 'ethernat' module until someone else comes with a smarter fix.

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 3:48 PM, Alan Hourihane <alanh@fairlite.co.uk> wrote:
On 12/16/13 14:23, Vincent Rivière wrote:
On 14/12/2013 02:03, Alan Hourihane wrote:
Can you add "volatile" to the "long desttmp[2];" declaration for now ?

The classic way to silence "unused variable" warning is to use the UNUSED() macro somewhere in the function body.

But it's not unused. It's reading a hardware register, whereas volatile is the right choice.


MiKRO / Mystic Bytes
diff --git a/sys/sockets/xif/ethernat/Makefile b/sys/sockets/xif/ethernat/Makefile
index 0fb3a53..2907eac 100644
--- a/sys/sockets/xif/ethernat/Makefile
+++ b/sys/sockets/xif/ethernat/Makefile
 LD = $(CC) -mshort -nostdlib -Wl,--entry -Wl,_init
 LIBS = $(LIBKERN) -lgcc
 CPU = 060
+nocflags = -Werror
 # default definitions
 OBJS = $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(notdir $(ETHERNAT_SRCS) $(COMMON_SRCS))))