2014-02-15 22:08 GMT+01:00 Alan Hourihane <alanh@fairlite.co.uk>:
On 02/15/14 16:54, David Gálvez wrote:
2014-02-14 16:42 GMT+01:00 David Gálvez <dgalvez75@gmail.com>:
2014-02-14 14:08 GMT+01:00 Alan Hourihane <alanh@fairlite.co.uk>:
the USB handlers are repeatably installed and never uninstalled in the
assembler code.
OK, I'll take a look.
Alan, I've just looked at this, USB handlers aren't touched by this
assembler code.
Do you mean perhaps the PUN_INFO struct for USB devices?
I mean these handlers...
Ah ok, these handlers are only installed once when the first mass
storage device is plugged.
About uninstalling them, this should be done when the driver is
unloaded and this isn't possible yet. It's not possible to unload any
USB device driver, neither the USB kernel module.