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Re: [MiNT] hyp_view.rsc in CVS is corrupted
Am 06.09.2015, 09:13 Uhr, schrieb Gerhard Stoll:
Am 02.09.2015 um 22:52 schrieb Helmut Karlowski:
The hyp_view.rsc, in the cvs, is a multilayer resource from RSM. The
Atari AES can handle such resource files.
Which one?
This one:
The question was about the TOS on which hyp_view runs with the rsc-file
from the csv.
I downloaded the file from the link and it's the same as that I already
have in my local MiNT-directory (of course I did a cvs status the other
day). And of course I does not work.
Here are the file for the supported language:
Those must be used with hyp_view.app.
Does it crash otherwise if the rsc is in interface-format?
Don't know about that multilayer-thing.
There is nothing special to know, only that the most multilayer are in
Interface format, because the are too big. After not all AES support
them the program use there own rsc_load. MagiC and Geneva can load
Interface rsc. For N.AES I don't know, but there is a bit in
HypView can't load resource in Interface format.
So why is the rsc in the MiNT-csv in interface-format?